Female pattern hair loss (FPHL) relates to the loss of the central scalp hair density which can occur among women after puberty. Alopecia, as we commonly know it, occurs to more than 50% of women after the age of 50. Similar to male pattern baldness, genetics play a major role in the hair loss of women. The diagnosis of hair loss amongst women is a complex process as it requires the history of the patient, a physical examination, laboratory work and the clinical biopsy of the scalp to differentiate hair loss from other causes. Contrary to male pattern baldness, FPHL does not progress at a brisk pace and hair loss patterns often stop at certain stages and stabilize. Most researchers are still trying to find as to why centrifugal hair loss occurs in FPHL without the disposition of the front hair line. The comparative prevalence of hair loss clinical patterns in women is still unknown. Most treatments to FPHL are still limited in the success degree of efficacy.
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